LO Funds (CH) - Swiss Franc Credit Bond I D

Dati di base

ISIN CH0036282942
Numero di valore 3628294
Bloomberg Global ID BBG000BX5KJ4
Nome del fondo LO Funds (CH) - Swiss Franc Credit Bond I D
Offerente del fondo Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA Genève, Svizzera
Telefono: +41 22 709 21 11
E-Mail: contact@lombardodier.com
Web: www.lombardodier.com
Offerente del fondo Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA
Rappresentante in Svizzera
Distributore(i) Lombard Odier Funds (Switzerland) S.A
Telefono: +41 22 709 21 11
Asset class Fondi obbligazionari
EFC Categoria
Classe di quote Distribution
Paese di domicilio Svizzera
Condizioni all-unknown-emissione Nessuna commissione di emissione e/o altre commissioni a favore del fondo (emissione al valore d’inventario)
Condizioni al riscatto Nessuna commissione di riscatto e/o altre commissioni a favore del fondo (riscatto al valore d’inventario)
Strategia d'investimenti *** The sub-fund's investment objective is to increase the net asset value of the sub-fund in the long term. The sub-fund invests at least two-thirds of its assets in: bonds (including convertible bonds, convertible notes, bonds with warrants and contingent convertible bonds), notes, and other fixed or variable-interest debt instruments and rights issued by Swiss or foreign private and public borrowers denominated in Swiss francs (CHF) with a rating between A and BBB. If the investment has been awarded different ratings by different agencies, the best rating may be used. In the absence of any rating by a recognized agency, the rating is allocated by the manager, based in particular on the information provided by recognized suppliers (e.g. Bloomberg) and/or other rating agencies, and derivatives (including warrants, but excluding interest rate swaps and credit default swaps) on the above investments; sight and time deposits.

Prezzi del fondo

Prezzo attuale * 117.12 CHF 07.11.2024
Prezzo precedente * 117.09 CHF 06.11.2024
Max 52 settimani * 117.18 CHF 04.11.2024
Min 52 settimani * 107.79 CHF 10.11.2023
NAV * 117.12 CHF 07.11.2024
Issue Price *
Redemption Price *
Closing Price *
Prezzo minimo indicativo
Attivo del fondo *** 1'474'197'889
Attivo della classe *** 670'553'008
Trading Information SIX


Performance YTD +5.89% 29.12.2023
1 mese +0.88% 07.10.2024
3 mesi +1.85% 07.08.2024
6 mesi +4.22% 07.05.2024
1 anno +7.86% 07.11.2023
2 anni +12.58% 07.11.2022
3 anni -2.03% 08.11.2021
5 anni -2.00% 07.11.2019

Dati fiscali

Quota di partecipazione al capitale in %
Utile totale del fondo in %
Quota immobiliare in %

10 posizioni principali ***

Trsbp Ctkh Eu270325p-Trsbp Ctkh Eu270325r 3.56%
Trsbp Ctke Us270325p-Trsbp Ctke Us270325r 1.60%
Trsct Ctki Eu270325p-Trsct Ctki Eu270325r 1.24%
Trsct Ctkj Eu270325p-Trsct Ctkj Eu270325r 1.20%
Trsct Ctkf Us270325p-Trsct Ctkf Us270325r 0.67%
Trsct Ctkg Us270325p-Trsct Ctkg Us270325r 0.65%
Aroundtown SA 0.732% 0.60%
Banco Santander, S.A. 2.395% 0.54%
Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG 1.625% 0.54%
Bank Julius Baer& Co 2.375% 0.54%
Ultimo aggiornamento dei dati 30.09.2024

Costi / Rischi

TER 0.42%
Data TER 31.01.2020
Performance Fee ***
Max. Management Fee *** 0.30%
Ongoing Charges *** 0.46%
SRRI ***
Data SRRI *** 31.10.2024

ESG Fund Ratings

Low Carbon Designation ***
ESG Rating Overall ***
ESG Rating Corporate ***
ESG Rating Sovereign ***
% AuM H&S Controversies ***


Bond Sectors ***

ESG Carbon Metrics

Avg Carbon Risk Score ***
Avg Carbon Risk Cat Avg ***
% AuM Covered Carbon ***
Avg Fossil Fuel Exposure ***
Fossil Fuel Cat Avg ***

ESG Strategy

Strategy Level 1 ***
Strategy Level 2 ***
Strategy Level 3 ***
Exclusions Level 1 ***
Exclusions Level 2 ***

* NAV / Issue Price commissioni escluse, per fondi quotati in borsa NAV o quotazione di chiusura
** La calculazione del utile intermedio era fatto via § 9 Satz 2 InvStG
*** Sorgente dati: Morningstar (I dati si basano sulla posizione lunga riscalata delle partecipazioni)