Frankfurter Aktienfonds für Stiftungen AI

Dati di base

Numero di valore 26570420
Bloomberg Global ID FRAFSAI GR
Nome del fondo Frankfurter Aktienfonds für Stiftungen AI
Offerente del fondo Axxion S.A. Grevenmacher, Luxemburg
Telefono: +352 76 94 94 - 602
Offerente del fondo Axxion S.A.
Rappresentante in Svizzera ACOLIN Fund Services AG
Telefono: +41 44 396 96 96
Distributore(i) InCore Bank AG
Asset class Altri fondi
EFC Categoria
Classe di quote Distribution
Paese di domicilio Germania
Condizioni all-unknown-emissione Nessuna commissione di emissione e/o altre commissioni a favore del fondo (emissione al valore d’inventario)
Condizioni al riscatto Nessuna commissione di riscatto e/o altre commissioni a favore del fondo (riscatto al valore d’inventario)
Strategia d'investimenti *** The investment strategy of the Frankfurter Aktienfonds für Stiftungen is based on the four principles of value investing. Investments are based on a fundamental bottom-up analysis and primarily made in owner-led equities with a high security margin. In addittion global market developpment is taken into account, which minimizes the risk for investors and at the same time maintains yield opportunities at a high level. There are no restricitions in terms of region of investment, however the fund has a regional focus in German-speaking Europe. Investments in investment funds are limited to 10% of the fund’s assets. At least 51% of the assets of the investment fund are invested directly or indirectly in equity investments. On behalf of the fund, the investment management company may also invest more than 35% of the fund’s value in bonds and promissory notes issued by one or more issuers.

Prezzi del fondo

Prezzo attuale * 110.73 EUR 06.03.2025
Prezzo precedente * 110.75 EUR 05.03.2025
Max 52 settimani * 115.77 EUR 28.03.2024
Min 52 settimani * 103.45 EUR 05.08.2024
NAV * 110.73 EUR 06.03.2025
Issue Price * 110.73 EUR 06.03.2025
Redemption Price * 110.73 EUR 06.03.2025
Closing Price *
Prezzo minimo indicativo
Attivo del fondo *** 780'483'073
Attivo della classe *** 10'925'006
Trading Information SIX


Performance YTD +1.17% 30.12.2024
Performance YTD (in CHF) +2.51% 30.12.2024
1 mese -3.06% 06.02.2025
3 mesi -2.16% 06.12.2024
6 mesi +4.11% 06.09.2024
1 anno +0.77% 06.03.2024
2 anni +2.00% 06.03.2023
3 anni -6.99% 07.03.2022
5 anni +3.85% 06.03.2020

Dati fiscali

Quota di partecipazione al capitale in %
Utile totale del fondo in %
Quota immobiliare in %

10 posizioni principali ***

Storebrand ASA 5.73%
SCOR SE Act. Prov. Regpt. 5.06%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) 4.99%
Germany (Federal Republic Of) 4.98%
ASR Nederland NV 4.38%
Allianz SE 3.59%
Microsoft Corp 3.50%
Diasorin SpA 3.23%
Oracle Corp 3.11%
Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 2.61%
Ultimo aggiornamento dei dati 31.12.2024

Costi / Rischi

TER *** 1.03%
Data TER *** 30.09.2024
Performance Fee *** 15.00%
Max. Management Fee *** 1.35%
Ongoing Charges *** 1.03%
SRRI ***
Data SRRI *** 28.02.2025

ESG Fund Ratings

Low Carbon Designation ***
ESG Rating Overall ***
ESG Rating Corporate ***
ESG Rating Sovereign ***
% AuM H&S Controversies ***


Countries ***

Stock Sectors ***

Bond Sectors ***

ESG Carbon Metrics

Avg Carbon Risk Score ***
Avg Carbon Risk Cat Avg ***
% AuM Covered Carbon ***
Avg Fossil Fuel Exposure ***
Fossil Fuel Cat Avg ***

ESG Strategy

Strategy Level 1 ***
Strategy Level 2 ***
Strategy Level 3 ***
Exclusions Level 1 ***
Exclusions Level 2 ***

* NAV / Issue Price commissioni escluse, per fondi quotati in borsa NAV o quotazione di chiusura
** La calculazione del utile intermedio era fatto via § 9 Satz 2 InvStG
*** Sorgente dati: Morningstar (I dati si basano sulla posizione lunga riscalata delle partecipazioni)