Award for the UBS Swiss High Dividend Fund

26.03.2018 12:03 - UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG

Dividend strategies can generate added value. UBS Swiss High Dividend Fund does this successfully and has been presented with an award by Morningstar.

A dividend strategy pays out in the Swiss equity market. The UBS (CH) Equity Fund – Swiss High Dividend proves this. Morningstar presented the fund with an award for coming out on top in the "Switzerland Large Cap Equity” category. Since its launch in May 2011, the fund has posted a performance of 88.8% (as at 28.02.2018, unit class P, net), outperforming the SPI benchmark index by 18.3%.*

Bernhard Lüthi and Christian Suter of the Swiss equities team are the portfolio managers for the UBS Equity Fund Swiss High Dividend. In stock picking, the investment process focuses on companies with attractive fundamentals and good growth prospects that offer an attractive combination of reinvestment in future growth and dividend payments to shareholders.
