Colchester Global Investors Limited

20 Savile Row / London W1S 3PR
Giancarlo Fenton
Téléphone: + 44 207 292 6920

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Fonds   Portrait
  • Colchester Global Investors Limited is an independent investment management firm, focused solely on sovereign bond and currency management. Colchester manages in excess of USD 40 billion across four core strategies being global sovereign bonds, global inflation-linked bonds, local currency emerging market debt and an alpha program. The firm manages assets for global institutions including corporate and public pension funds, foundations, endowments, insurance and sovereign wealth clients.

    Colchester's rigorous application of its real yield investment approach has underpinned the firm's success. A significant competitive advantage enjoyed by our firm is the greater diversity and added return potential generated by its unique use of high quality smaller country bond markets. Colchester’s active use of this diversity allows it to circumvent the use of credit products in its portfolios and provides clients with attractive diversification at their aggregate portfolio level. Bond management is treated independently from currency management when deriving optimal bond and currency portfolios and we aim to generate half to two thirds of the relative return from bond selection and one third to a half from currency management.

    Colchester was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in London, with offices in New York, Singapore, Sydney and Dubai.