State Street Global Advisors

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  • The Case for Allocating to Emerging Market Debt

    21.03.2024 15:38 - State Street Global Advisors: Emerging market debt (EMD) is a versatile asset class. It offers equity investors risk mitigation potential with modest return dilution. For fixed income investors willing to move out on the risk spectrum, EMD still presents a significant yield pick-up opportunity.

  • ESG in Emerging Market Sovereign Debt: An Evolving Conversation

    21.03.2024 15:37 - State Street Global Advisors: How and whether to apply ESG to emerging market sovereign debt is becoming a key question for investors. We look at the opportunities and challenges they face.

  • Fixed Income Roadmap 2024

    21.02.2024 16:24 - State Street Global Advisors: Given current yield levels, slowing growth, and continued disinflation, fixed income moves into the limelight, offering attractive prospects for investors. Our fixed income game plan visualises just where investors should be looking now.

  • Bonds are Back: Where to Look, What to Do in 2024

    21.02.2024 16:23 - State Street Global Advisors: There are moments when the stars align particularly well for bond investors, moments when strong and complementary forces — cyclical and structural — strike a rare synchrony. These infrequent moments often deliver large gains relative to historic averages. For fixed income investors we may well be at such a pivotal point.

  • A Case For: Sustainable Climate Bond Strategy

    07.08.2023 14:27 - State Street Global Advisors: Our climate-aware investment process aims to enable investors to immediately improve their portfolio’s carbon profile and reduce climate risk, while maintaining target returns.

  • Climate Change is Here and It's an Investment Issue

    29.06.2023 15:38 - State Street Global Advisors: The facts about climate change and the unique opportunities for bond investors. The future won't wait. Start your transition today.

  • Reduce the Carbon, Fund the Transition

    29.06.2023 15:37 - State Street Global Advisors: We believe climate change is one of the biggest risks in investment portfolios today. But, with this risk also comes tremendous investment opportunity, as the economy reworks against the impact of climate change.

  • Midyear 2023 Global Market Outlook: Preparing for a Path Less Certain

    29.06.2023 15:35 - State Street Global Advisors: Heightened liquidity risk and softening growth prospects demand vigilance from investors. Persistent uncertainty and recession risks warrant cautious portfolio positioning. Looking forward, the relevant question is what comes next?

  • Global High Yield Update – Q1 2023

    17.05.2023 13:02 - State Street Global Advisors: This year's volatile first quarter seemed to barely dent GHY. And, with the fundamentals in reasonably good shape, matched with all-in yields at around 8.5%, is it time to look again at GHY?

  • Revisiting EMD: Brighter Days Ahead?

    17.05.2023 13:01 - State Street Global Advisors: Although 2022 was volatile for EMD, a brighter outlook is developing against the backdrop of China’s reopening, peaking inflation and interest rates, and signs that US dollar strength could fade. Given current valuations, EMD merits renewed consideration by investors.

  • Emerging Market Debt: After the Storm

    17.05.2023 13:00 - State Street Global Advisors: Lyubka Dushanova, Portfolio Strategist, EMD, outlines why investors should reassess prospects for EMD right now. Along with a quick look back at 2022, Lyubka flags where opportunities lie in the asset class and explains why we believe an indexed approach makes sense.

  • Taking Stock of the European Banking Sector

    05.04.2023 16:13 - State Street Global Advisors: Understandably, markets have been in panic mode over the past few weeks. However, as market sentiment moves beyond this tumultuous period, and other factors remain stabilized in the external environment, European banks, we believe, are well positioned to regain their momentum on the back.

  • Fixed Income Roadmap 2023

    13.03.2023 10:35 - State Street Global Advisors: After a tough period, things are changing in Fixed Income - where should you be looking now? We see 2023 as the year where central banks try to balance credible inflation management with the avoidance of needless economic pain - by no means an easy task! Our Fixed Income Roadmap visualises just where investors should be looking now.

  • Brighter Times for Bonds? Where to Look, What to Do in 2023

    13.03.2023 10:33 - State Street Global Advisors: Last year was tough for bonds but now things are changing and there are opportunities out there. Expect choppy conditions but also attractive prospects for tactical and perhaps strategic re-positioning. Our latest fixed income insights assesses where the market is heading, what makes sense to invest in now and what should you hold off on.

  • Exploring the Link Between Stock Price Volatility and ESG Scores

    30.01.2023 18:23 - State Street Global Advisors: The literature on ESG has largely focused on the impact of ESG exposure on returns, and little has been done to directly assess the impact on risk. If we consider risk as any form of uncertainty, and further recognize that ESG by its very nature is influenced by corporate activities that impact stakeholders, then it stands to reason that there is a direct link between the management of the dimensions of E, S, and...

  • The Sustainability Signal in AQE

    30.01.2023 18:21 - State Street Global Advisors: We create sustainability scores for the companies we are evaluating and use those scores to complement our other Quality metrics, which in many (but not all) cases are gleaned from financial data. We believe that select ESG characteristics can be considered a proxy for long-term forward planning.

  • State Street Global Advisors Approach to ESG Screening: Methodology

    13.01.2023 15:40 - State Street Global Advisors: Investors who seek screened portfolios often express a desire for screening in a specific area — for example, seeking to screen tobacco from a portfolio. There are several ways in which a company can be considered to be involved in a particular product or service.

  • Physical Climate Risk Data: A Primer and Evaluation

    13.01.2023 15:39 - State Street Global Advisors: A wide range of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data vendors are now providing physical climate risk data in addition to traditional carbon data. Physical climate risk data is powerful forward-looking data that measures physical risk, which broadly encompasses the quantification of a company or country’s exposure to natural catastrophes that could be reliably tied to climate change and a warming...

  • Global Market Outlook - Navigating a Bumpy Landing

    15.12.2022 15:16 - State Street Global Advisors: Looking to 2023, we expect market uncertainty and volatility to persist for some time, leading to a bumpy journey ahead with a wide range of possible outcomes. We anticipate more clarity will be achieved in 2023 as we see rates peak in much of the developed world, but what follows is anything but clear. Many risks to a sustained recovery remain. We expect 2023 to be a time of “Navigating a Bumpy Landing.”

  • COP27 Key Takeaways

    08.12.2022 16:04 - State Street Global Advisors: After two weeks of negotiations, the United Nation’s 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Egypt concluded with a greater focus on how to suppress climate change rather than the headline commitments which have been much of what occurred at previous meetings. COP27 was the establishment of a loss and damage fund to compensate developing nations most impacted by the effects of climate change.