Swiss Fund Data News

Annual Report 2023

SFD has completed another successful year. New fund promoters could be committed and the services with a new ETP offering be expanded.

The Web traffic further increased showing our strong position as the leading B2C fund platform in Switzerland.

We are also pleased to announce that our fees remain unchanged.

For further information please consult our Annual Report (only available in German) .

Market Share in %, October 2024

Legal Announcements

18.12.2024 - Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and...

18.12.2024 - Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds

18.12.2024 - Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds

18.12.2024 - Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds

Fund News

18.12.2024 - Die Inflation in der Eurozone hat im November den zweiten Monat in...

18.12.2024 - Unicredit-Chef Andrea Orcel geht bei der versuchten Übernahme der...

18.12.2024 - Laut der Wirtschaftszeitung «Nikkei» planen die Nummern zwei und drei...

18.12.2024 - «Seit Jahren rüstet sich Indien auf, um mit China als führendem...