
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • Absolute return funds

    Funds that seek to achieve positive absolute returns irrespective of the prevailing market trend (by contrast with "traditional" investment funds, which seek to outperform a given index).

  • Accounting currency

    Currency in which an investment fund keeps its accounts and in which the NAV is calculated and published (not to be confused with the investment currency or the reference currency). The NAV on which the issue and redemption of units/shares is based can be translated into other currencies (pricing currency).

  • Accrued EU interest (foreign paying agents)

    Income of an investment fund contained in the net asset value of a unit/share that is deemed to be interest under the terms of the EU Savings Tax Directive.

  • Accrued EU interest (Swiss paying agents)

    Income of an investment fund contained in the net asset value of a unit/share that is deemed to be interest under the terms of the agreement between Switzerland and the EU in respect of participation in the savings tax system.

  • Accrued income

    Net income of an investment fund contained in the net asset value of its units/shares that has not yet been distributed or reinvested. This comprises interest collected or accrued by the fund, dividends and other income minus accrued costs and commission, but does not include realized and non-realized gains on investments.

  • Accumulation

    Retention (rather than distribution) and ongoing reinvestment of generated income (interest, dividends) and gains in the assets of an investment fund (opposite: distribution).

  • Active asset management

    Selection of investments on the basis of return forecasts and technical market analyses with the objective of outperforming a benchmark.

  • Administrator

    Company mandated by the fund company to carry out all administrative tasks, including in particular:

    • fund accounting
    • calculating the NAV
    • preparing fund publications

  • Advisory board

    Permanent body with an advisory function, generally with few or no decision-making powers and controlling functions. Advisory boards are mainly found in funds with an investment policy focused on special areas and sectors requiring intensive research (e.g. sustainability or biotechnology).

  • Affidavit

    Confirmation from a bank stating that the units/shares in question are held at that bank in the custody account of an investor domiciled outside Switzerland, and that the distributions of income are credited to this investor's account. If such an affidavit is provided, Swiss investment funds that generate more than 80% of their income from foreign sources may distribute income to investors domiciled abroad without deduction of Swiss withholding tax.

  • Annual report

    Provides information on the performance of a fund during its financial year. Contains, among other things, the assets and income statement, a complete list of investments and a list of investments acquired/sold, information on persons/entities to which tasks have been delegated, details on matters of particular economic importance, and a short report by the auditors (the minimum content is defined by law in Switzerland).

  • Asset Allocation Fonds

    Investment fund that invests its assets in traditional and non-traditional investments as well as in different currencies in accordance with its investment objective and reference currency.

  • Asset allocation fund

    Investment fund that invests its assets in traditional and non-traditional investments as well as in different currencies in accordance with its investment objective and reference currency.

  • Asset class

    A specific segment in the overall investment universe (e.g. money market, bonds, equities). This is the key criterion in categorizing investment funds by type of investment.

  • Audit company

    Independent company that checks the accounts of the fund company and the investment fund as well as compliance with the legal provisions and the provisions of the regulations/articles of association; must as a rule be recognized by a supervisory authority and based in the fund's home country.

  • Auditors

    Independent company that checks the accounts of the fund company and the investment fund as well as compliance with the legal provisions and the provisions of the regulations/articles of association; must as a rule be recognized by a supervisory authority and based in the fund's home country.