
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • Real estate funds

    These products invest their assets primarily in residential and commercial properties, building land, buildings under construction, and shares in real estate firms. Swiss real estate funds issue units/shares within the framework of a capital increase against subscription rights. Returning units/shares to the fund for redemption is only possible subject to a set period of notice. The units/shares of most real estate funds are traded on-exchange at market prices.

  • Real estate gains

    Only relevant for investment funds distributed in Germany. Income of an investment fund contained in the NAV of its units/shares and that stems from non-German property ownership, for which Germany does not have any taxation rights under double taxation treaties. These gains are free from tax on the sale of the units/shares by corporate investors in Germany.

  • Redemption conditions

    Any commission and other deductions charged by a fund on the redemption of units/shares (only indicates whether these are charged, but does not specify the size).

  • Redemption currency

    Currency in which an investment fund pays out the equivalent value of the redeemed units/shares.

  • Redemption currency at launch

    Currency in which the units/shares of a given class were redeemed for the first time.

  • Redemption frequency

    Frequency with which an investment fund accepts units/shares for redemption (e.g. daily, weekly, etc.).

  • Redemption price (only applies to investment funds with dual pricing)

    Price at wich the investment fund redeems units/shares.

  • Reference currency

    Currency in which an investment fund reports its results and in which the investment performance is measured and assessed; it is also the currency in which investors think and calculate their expenses.

  • Relative value

    An investment strategy used by hedge funds: Strategically exploiting differences in prices and valuations between related securities, with the general market risk largely being eliminated.

  • Representative in Switzerland

    Represents an investment fund authorized for distribution in Switzerland vis-à-vis investors and authorities.

  • Risk

    Risks entailed in the investment of assets, in particular volatility risk, risk of loss (e.g. due to a borrower defaulting) and liquidity risk (investments cannot be sold at an appropriate price at all times). With broad diversification, investment funds largely reduce the risks that are otherwise inherent in investments in individual borrowers or individual stocks or bonds.