
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • Hedge funds

    Special type of investment funds that invest their assets above all on futures markets, in derivative financial instruments, commodities etc., pursue different strategic approaches and often work with a high proportion of debt capital. The performance of the units/shares is largely independent of traditional investments such as money market instruments, bonds or equities, and may be subject to stronger fluctuations.
    Typical investment strategies:

    • Relative value: Convertible arbitrage, Fixed income arbitrage, Equity market neutral
    • Event driven: Merger arbitrage, Distressed securities
    • Directional: Long/short equities, Global macro, Managed futures
    • Multi-strategies

  • Historic pricing

    A process rather seldom used in which subscription/redemption orders for fund units/shares are settled at the most recently calculated price. The investor thus knows the price when placing the order.

  • Home country

    Country in which the fund company and custodian bank of an investment fund are resident and to which jurisdiction they are subject. This also defines the home country of the investment fund.