Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA

Genève, Schweiz
Telefon: +41 22 709 21 11
E-Mail: contact@lombardodier.com
Web: www.lombardodier.com

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91 Fonds
1'132 Anteilsklassen
8'424 Dokumente
0 Gesetzliche Mitteilungen

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  • Lombard Odier Investment Managers is the asset management business of Lombard Odier, focused on institutional clients, third-party distributors and financial intermediaries. We strive to create greater transparency in the sources of return by separating alpha and beta. For us, beta exposure should be diversified, cost-efficient and highly scalable while alpha should be unconstrained and add real value for our clients.
    Specifically, our Smart Beta aims to deliver more efficient market exposure than traditional benchmarks; our High Conviction teams aim to deliver alpha in benchmark-unconstrained, long-only portfolios while maximising risk-adjusted returns; our Absolute Return investment teams target returns that are uncorrelated to market cycles and free from any systematic factors and we believe that risk-based asset allocation is key to achieving better diversification, capital protection and stable long-term performance.