Swiss Fund Data News

Annual Report 2023

SFD has completed another successful year. New fund promoters could be committed and the services with a new ETP offering be expanded.

The Web traffic further increased showing our strong position as the leading B2C fund platform in Switzerland.

We are also pleased to announce that our fees remain unchanged.

For further information please consult our Annual Report (only available in German) .

Assets in bn. CHF, January 2025
Created with Highstock 2.1.10Switzerland Equity: 138.4CHF Bond: 137.0Global Large-Cap Blend Equity: 129.2US Large-Cap Blend Equity: 126.6USD Money Market - Short Term: 70.9Other Equity: 67.6CHF Moderate Allocation: 55.5Global Emerging Markets Equity: 44.1Other Bond: 38.4CHF Cautious Allocation: 35.1

Legal Announcements

26.03.2025 - Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds

26.03.2025 - Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and...

26.03.2025 - Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and...

26.03.2025 - Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and...

Fund News

26.03.2025 - Nordea Asset Management meldet, dass sie für Ircantec, eines der...

26.03.2025 - Die neue Fondslösung ermöglicht es Anlegern laut Mitteilung, «an den...

26.03.2025 - Die Konjunkturforscher der ETH Zürich (KOF) erwartet eine...

26.03.2025 - Die Vaudoise-Gruppe ist im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr gewachsen und hat...