Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services S.A.

Luxembourg, Switzerland
Phone: +352 451 314 500
E-Mail: info-hafs@hauck-aufhaeuser.com
Web: https://www.hauck-aufhaeuser.com

At a glance

11 Funds
53 Unit/Shares
237 Documents
10 Legal Announcements

Strategy Level 1 Strategy Level 2 Strategy Level 3 Exclusions Level 1 Exclusions Level 2 MyFunds
Switzerland Invest - Fixed Income High Yield HAIG CH Hedged
Switzerland Invest - Fixed Income High Yield HAIG ISF
Switzerland Invest - Fixed Income High Yield HAIG ISF EUR
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Fund for qualified investors
The fund is an ETF / The fund is an ETSF
The fund is a Sponsored Fund
* NAV / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price