Alpinum Funds (CH) - Liquidity Fund USD USD IA

Reference Data

ISIN CH0321639772
Valor Number 32163977
Bloomberg Global ID
Fund Name Alpinum Funds (CH) - Liquidity Fund USD USD IA
Fund Provider LLB Swiss Investment AG Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 58 523 96 70
Fund Provider LLB Swiss Investment AG
Representative in Switzerland
Distributor(s) Alpinum Investment Management AG, Zürich
Asset Class Money Market
EFC Category
Distribution Policy Accumulation
Home Country Switzerland
Issuing Condition The fund does not charge any issuing commission and/or fees (units are issued at the NAV)
Redemption Condition The fund does not charge any redemption commission and/or fees (units are redeemed at the NAV)
Investment Strategy *** The investment objective of Alpinum Funds (CH) - Liquidity Fund USD is principally to achieve a return above money market rates with regard to a balanced risk diversification, a high liquidity and capital preservation. The fund does not qualify as „money market fund“ in accordance with the provisions of the SFAMA directive for money market funds and may therefore have a higher risk in comparison with a money-market fund, that complies with the directive. This fund invests at least 75% directly or indirectly (via other collective investment schemes) in money market instruments issued by countries, other public-law institutions or private borrowers worldwide, in bonds (excluding convertible bonds, convertible notes and warrant issues), notes as well as other fixed- or floating rate debt securities and -rights of other public-law institutions or private borrowers worldwide or in bank deposits held at domestic and foreign banks.

Fund Prices

Current Price * 1,162.74 USD 27.03.2025
Previous Price * 1,162.58 USD 26.03.2025
52 Week High * 1,162.74 USD 27.03.2025
52 Week Low * 1,109.29 USD 28.03.2024
NAV * 1,162.74 USD 27.03.2025
Issue Price *
Redemption Price *
Closing Price *
Indicative Minimum Price
Fund Assets *** 69,391,671
Unit/Share Assets *** 67,918,125
Trading Information SIX


YTD Performance +0.98% 31.12.2024
YTD Performance (in CHF) -1.95% 31.12.2024
1 month +0.29% 27.02.2025
3 months +1.01% 27.12.2024
6 months +2.12% 27.09.2024
1 year +4.87% 27.03.2024
2 years +10.16% 27.03.2023
3 years +12.85% 28.03.2022
5 years +13.39% 27.03.2020

Tax Data

Equity Participation Rate in %
Share of Total Fund Assets in %
Real Estate Rate in %

Top Holdings ***

No top holdings available for this fund

Cost / Risk

TER 0.34%
TER date 31.12.2023
Performance Fee ***
PTR 206.00%
Max. Management Fee *** 0.40%
Ongoing Charges *** 0.34%
SRRI ***
SRRI date *** 28.02.2025

* NAV / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price
** Calculation of interim profit followed § 9 Satz 2 InvStG
*** Data source: Morningstar (Data is based on the rescaled long position of the holdings)