Reference Data

ISIN FR0007051040
Valor Number 1143853
Bloomberg Global ID BBG000J8V3H2
Fund Name EUROSE C
Fund Provider DNCA Finance Phone: +33 (0)1 58 62 55 00
19, place Vendôme
75001 Paris
Fund Provider DNCA Finance
Representative in Switzerland Reyl & Cie S.A.
Phone: +41 22 816 80 00
Distributor(s) RBC Dexia Investor Services Bank S.A., Esch-sur-Alzette, Zurich Branch
Phone: +41 44 405 97 00
Asset Class Bonds
EFC Category
Distribution Policy Accumulation
Home Country France
Issuing Condition The fund management company and/or distributor charges an issuing commission (different commissions can be charged for the same fund depending on the sales channel)
Redemption Condition The fund does not charge any redemption commission and/or fees (units are redeemed at the NAV)
Investment Strategy *** This diversified fund seeks to improve the profitability of a cautious investment by active management of four categories of assets in the Euro Zone. The fund manages its assets via discretionary management, with free rein to invest in equities (up to a maximum of 40% of the fund's assets, including the portion invested in shares of other funds held in the portfolio), bonds and/or money-market products. The fund is able to hold between 5% and 50% of its assets in shares or units of other investment funds. The Fund may enter into forward instruments traded on regulated French and foreign markets or over-the-counter markets.

Fund Prices

Current Price * 446.85 EUR 26.02.2025
Previous Price * 445.77 EUR 25.02.2025
52 Week High * 446.85 EUR 26.02.2025
52 Week Low * 416.23 EUR 29.02.2024
NAV * 446.85 EUR 26.02.2025
Issue Price *
Redemption Price *
Closing Price *
Indicative Minimum Price
Fund Assets *** 2,676,009,355
Unit/Share Assets *** 2,612,148,304
Trading Information SIX


YTD Performance +3.67% 31.12.2024
YTD Performance (in CHF) +3.46% 31.12.2024
1 month +2.48% 27.01.2025
3 months +3.98% 26.11.2024
6 months +4.04% 26.08.2024
1 year +7.35% 26.02.2024
2 years +11.45% 27.02.2023
3 years +13.92% 28.02.2022
5 years +16.14% 26.02.2020

Tax Data

Equity Participation Rate in %
Share of Total Fund Assets in %
Real Estate Rate in %

Top 10 Holdings ***

Euro Bobl Future Mar 25 3.08%
Ostrum SRI Money Plus I (C) EUR 2.90%
TotalEnergies SE 2.46%
Sanofi SA 2.14%
BNP Paribas Act. Cat.A 2.06%
Spain (Kingdom of) 0.65% 2.06%
Societe Generale SA 1.90%
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain SA 1.59%
Bouygues 1.49%
Italy (Republic Of) 1.5% 1.37%
Last data update 31.01.2025

Cost / Risk

TER *** 1.53%
TER date *** 30.06.2024
Performance Fee ***
Max. Management Fee *** 1.40%
Ongoing Charges *** 1.52%
SRRI ***
SRRI date *** 31.01.2025

ESG Fund Ratings

Low Carbon Designation ***
ESG Rating Overall ***
ESG Rating Corporate ***
ESG Rating Sovereign ***
% AuM H&S Controversies ***


Countries ***

Created with Highstock 2.1.1084.3% France4.5% Netherlands3.6% Switzerland3.3% Germany2.8% Italy0.5% Belgium0.3% United Kingdom0.3% Spain0.1% United States0.2% Others

Stock Sectors ***

Created with Highstock 2.1.1026.5% Industrials22.6% Financial Services10.4% Energy9.9% Healthcare9.2% Communication Services8.8% Technology5.4% Basic Materials4.3% Consumer Cyclical2.0% Utilities0.8% Others

Bond Sectors ***

Created with Highstock 2.1.1078.7% Corporate13.8% Government6.9% Cash & Equivalents0.4% Securitized0.2% Derivative

ESG Carbon Metrics

Avg Carbon Risk Score ***
Avg Carbon Risk Cat Avg ***
% AuM Covered Carbon ***
Avg Fossil Fuel Exposure ***
Fossil Fuel Cat Avg ***

ESG Strategy

Strategy Level 1 ***
Strategy Level 2 ***
Strategy Level 3 ***
Exclusions Level 1 ***
Exclusions Level 2 ***

* NAV / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price
** Calculation of interim profit followed § 9 Satz 2 InvStG
*** Data source: Morningstar (Data is based on the rescaled long position of the holdings)