Strategy Level 1 | Strategy Level 2 | Strategy Level 3 | Exclusions Level 1 | Exclusions Level 2 | MyFunds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable AA CHF
CH0009074300 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable BA CHF
CH0205948067 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable CT CHF
CH0378732348 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable DA CHF
CH0025616886 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable DT CHF
CH0352419136 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable Emerging Markets AA USD
CH0004661267 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable Emerging Markets BA USD
CH0205947978 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable Emerging Markets DA USD
CH0025616860 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable Emerging Markets GT USD
CH0192250600 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
Swisscanto (CH) Equity Fund Sustainable Emerging Markets NT CHF
CH0555645537 |
Sustainable Investment |
GMOs |
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The fund is an ETF / The fund is an ETSF The fund is a Sponsored Fund |