Helvetia Allegra Fonds - Helvetia Allegra 30 Klasse A1

Reference Data

ISIN CH0412078328
Valor Number 41207832
Bloomberg Global ID
Fund Name Helvetia Allegra Fonds - Helvetia Allegra 30 Klasse A1
Fund Provider Helvetia Versicherungen Basel, Switzerland
Phone: +41 61 280 10 31
Web: www.helvetiapatria.ch
Fund Provider Helvetia Versicherungen
Representative in Switzerland
Distributor(s) Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft AG
St. Gallen
Asset Class Asset Allocation
EFC Category
Distribution Policy Accumulation
Home Country Switzerland
Issuing Condition The fund charges a transaction fee (contribution towards expenses incurred in the investment of new assets)
Redemption Condition The fund management company and/or distributor charges a redemption commission (different commissions can be charged for the same fund depending on the sales channel)
Investment Strategy *** Das Anlageziel des Umbrella-Fonds ist die Erzielung einer nachhaltigen Rendite unter gleichzeitiger Risikobeschränkung. Dabei stellt der langfristige Anlagehorizont die Sicherheit vor die Rentabilität, so dass die Risiken in einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis zum Ertrag stehen. Zu diesem Zweck investiert die Fondsleitung das Vermögen der Teilvermögen direkt oder indirekt in ein Portfolio aus überwiegend Obligationen und Aktien, wobei die Schuldner bzw Emittenten den Sitz oder den überwiegenden Anteil ihrer wirtschaftlichen Aktivität in der Schweiz und in den OECD Staaten haben.

Fund Prices

Current Price * 110.01 CHF 16.12.2024
Previous Price * 109.90 CHF 13.12.2024
52 Week High * 110.02 CHF 04.12.2024
52 Week Low * 101.02 CHF 05.01.2024
NAV * 110.01 CHF 16.12.2024
Issue Price *
Redemption Price * 109.68 CHF 16.12.2024
Closing Price *
Indicative Minimum Price
Fund Assets *** 93,580,420
Unit/Share Assets *** 17,127,917
Trading Information SIX


YTD Performance +8.16% 29.12.2023
1 month +1.52% 18.11.2024
3 months +2.60% 16.09.2024
6 months +4.55% 17.06.2024
1 year +7.68% 18.12.2023
2 years +12.14% 16.12.2022
3 years -1.87% 16.12.2021
5 years +4.55% 17.12.2019

Tax Data

Equity Participation Rate in %
Share of Total Fund Assets in %
Real Estate Rate in %

Top 10 Holdings ***

Xtrackers MSCI World ETF 1C 5.24%
iShares JPMorgan EM Lcl Govt Bd ETF$Dist 4.86%
UBS ETF BBG MSCI EA liq Cp Sust CHFh A-a 4.74%
iShares Core Global Aggt Bd ETF CHF HAcc 4.51%
SG Issuer S.A. 0% 3.70%
UBS LONDON PERLES 2013 13-XX 31/12U 3.61%
SPDR® Blmbrg Glb Aggr Bd ETF CHF H 2.82%
Xtrackers ESG Global Agg Bond ETF 4C CHF 2.59%
CSIMF Swiss REBl Estate Securities EB 2.36%
Nestle SA 1.48%
Last data update 30.06.2024

Cost / Risk

TER *** 0.83%
TER date *** 31.12.2023
Performance Fee ***
Max. Management Fee *** 1.60%
Ongoing Charges *** 0.80%
SRRI ***
SRRI date *** 30.11.2024

ESG Fund Ratings

Low Carbon Designation ***
ESG Rating Overall ***
ESG Rating Corporate ***
ESG Rating Sovereign ***
% AuM H&S Controversies ***


Countries ***

Stock Sectors ***

Bond Sectors ***

ESG Carbon Metrics

Avg Carbon Risk Score ***
Avg Carbon Risk Cat Avg ***
% AuM Covered Carbon ***
Avg Fossil Fuel Exposure ***
Fossil Fuel Cat Avg ***

ESG Strategy

Strategy Level 1 ***
Strategy Level 2 ***
Strategy Level 3 ***
Exclusions Level 1 ***
Exclusions Level 2 ***

* NAV / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price
** Calculation of interim profit followed § 9 Satz 2 InvStG
*** Data source: Morningstar (Data is based on the rescaled long position of the holdings)