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Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - Sustainable SwissFrancBond Medium Term I
CH0023406777 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - SwissImmo A
CH0108311728 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - SwissImmo I
CH0108312718 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - SwissStock A
CH0023406587 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - SwissStock I
CH0023406611 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds Institutional - CorporateBond CHF I
CH0023406785 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds Institutional - CorporateBond Domestic CHF Sustainable I
CH0363485696 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds Institutional - EuropeanCurrenciesBond I
CH0023406793 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds Institutional - EuropeStock Sustainable I
CH0363485829 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds Institutional - ForeignBond CHF Sustainable I
CH0363485753 |
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