Strategy Level 1 | Strategy Level 2 | Strategy Level 3 | Exclusions Level 1 | Exclusions Level 2 | MyFunds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 45 B
CH0023406553 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 45 I
CH0023406579 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 45 V
CH0023406561 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 65 B
CH0365696712 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 65 I
CH0365696753 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 65 V
CH0584307778 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 85 B
CH0365696779 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 85 I
CH0365696787 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - 85 V
CH0584307786 |
Migros Bank (CH) Fonds - EuropeStock A
CH0023406629 |
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