PMG Individual Fund Solutions - Global Equities ex US Fund (in Liquidation) S USD

Reference Data

ISIN CH1137232992
Valor Number 113723299
Bloomberg Global ID
Fund Name PMG Individual Fund Solutions - Global Equities ex US Fund (in Liquidation) S USD
Fund Provider PMG Investment Solutions AG Zug, Schweiz
Phone: +41 44 215 28 38
Fund Provider PMG Investment Solutions AG
Representative in Switzerland
Distributor(s) PMG Investment Solutions AG
Phone: +41 44 215 28 38
Asset Class Equities
EFC Category
Distribution Policy Accumulation
Home Country Switzerland
Issuing Condition The fund does not charge any issuing commission and/or fees (units are issued at the NAV)
Redemption Condition The fund does not charge any redemption commission and/or fees (units are redeemed at the NAV)
Investment Strategy *** Das Anlageziel des Global Equities ex US Fund besteht darin, durch Anlagen in Aktien von Unternehmen weltweit (inkl. Emerging Markets), unter Ausschluss von Unternehmen mit Sitz in den USA, einen langfristigen Kapitalzuwachs zu generieren.Dabei werden die Aktien derjenigen Unternehmen ausgewählt, welche die höchsten zukünftigen Umsatz- und Gewinnaussichten vermuten lassen. Die Titelselektion erfolgt nach einem proprietären Modell, mit welchem anhand von quantitativen Fundamentaldaten die einzelnen Aktien selektiert werden. Die entscheidenden Fundamentaldaten beruhen auf Bewertungen und quantitativen Aspekten der einzelnen Firmen gegenüber dem Universum. Ein Rankingsystem, das durch eine Standardnormalverteilung eruiert wird, definiert dann die Aktien, welche Teil des Portfolios werden.

Fund Prices

Current Price * 6.77 USD 31.10.2024
Previous Price * 6.68 USD 30.09.2024
52 Week High * 6.77 USD 31.10.2024
52 Week Low * 6.41 USD 02.11.2023
NAV * 6.77 USD 31.10.2024
Issue Price *
Redemption Price *
Closing Price *
Indicative Minimum Price
Fund Assets *** 1,668,802
Unit/Share Assets *** 1,668,802
Trading Information SIX


YTD Performance - -
YTD Performance (in CHF) - -
1 month +1.35% 30.09.2024
3 months +2.11% 31.07.2024
6 months +3.36% 30.04.2024
1 year -88.85% 31.10.2023
2 years -88.85% 31.10.2022
3 years -93.23% 01.11.2021
5 years -93.23% 25.10.2021

Tax Data

Equity Participation Rate in %
Share of Total Fund Assets in %
Real Estate Rate in %

Top 10 Holdings ***

Industrivarden AB Class A 6.94%
Georg Fischer AG 6.84%
Elekta AB Class B 4.49%
PIFS - Hydrogen & Battery Power Fd S CHF 4.16%
iShares MSCI Brazil ETF 3.59%
Direxion Daily MSCI Em Mkts Bull 3X ETF 3.39%
Hennes & Mauritz AB Class B 3.09%
HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering 2.70%
Evolution AB 2.43%
Veolia Environnement SA 2.36%
Last data update 30.06.2023

Cost / Risk

TER 1.70%
TER date 31.12.2023
Performance Fee *** 15.00%
Max. Management Fee *** 0.50%
Ongoing Charges ***
SRRI ***
SRRI date *** 29.02.2024

ESG Fund Ratings

Low Carbon Designation ***
ESG Rating Overall ***
ESG Rating Corporate ***
ESG Rating Sovereign ***
% AuM H&S Controversies ***


Countries ***

Stock Sectors ***

Bond Sectors ***

ESG Carbon Metrics

Avg Carbon Risk Score ***
Avg Carbon Risk Cat Avg ***
% AuM Covered Carbon ***
Avg Fossil Fuel Exposure ***
Fossil Fuel Cat Avg ***

ESG Strategy

Strategy Level 1 ***
Strategy Level 2 ***
Strategy Level 3 ***
Exclusions Level 1 ***
Exclusions Level 2 ***

* NAV / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price
** Calculation of interim profit followed § 9 Satz 2 InvStG
*** Data source: Morningstar (Data is based on the rescaled long position of the holdings)