Strategy Level 1 | Strategy Level 2 | Strategy Level 3 | Exclusions Level 1 | Exclusions Level 2 | MyFunds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect BA CHF
CH0500516320 |
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect BT CHF
CH0205948968 |
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect DT CHF
CH0144782148 |
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect GT CHF
CH0192252093 |
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 15 Passiv FA CHF
CH1339923984 |
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 15 Passiv QT CHF
CH1339924768 |
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 15 Passiv VT CHF
CH1339924784 |
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 25 Passiv DT
CH0231218410 |
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 25 Passiv FA
CH0133721057 |
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 25 Passiv QT
CH0496463651 |
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