Legal Announcements

Current Selection: 641 legal announcements
Fund Name  Published on  Fund Provider  Representative in Switzerland  Type of Announcement  Announcement Affected Funds
Mobilière Invest Funds 25.10.2024 Schweizerische Mobiliar Asset Management AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
UBS ETF (CH) 25.10.2024 UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
UBS (CH) Property Fund - Swiss Residential «Anfos» 25.10.2024 UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG
Other optional notices DE
Valitas Institutional Fund 25.10.2024 PMG Investment Solutions AG
Change of investment policy / regulations / restrictions DE
Valitas Institutional Fund 25.10.2024 PMG Investment Solutions AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
Valitas Institutional Fund 25.10.2024 PMG Investment Solutions AG
Change of fund mgmt co / paying agent / representative / custodian DE
Valitas Institutional Fund 25.10.2024 PMG Investment Solutions AG
Change in publications / fin.statements / appropriation of income DE
Memnon European Opportunities Fund 25.10.2024 Zadig Gestion Luxembourg
Reyl & Cie S.A.
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) FR
UBS (Lux) Bond SICAV 25.10.2024 UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) EN
UBS (Lux) Equity SICAV 25.10.2024 UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) EN