Legal Announcements

Current Selection: 636 legal announcements
Fund Name  Published on  Fund Provider  Representative in Switzerland  Type of Announcement  Announcement Affected Funds
Pilatus Invest Income USD 21.11.2024 Principal Vermögensverwaltung AG
Deferral of repayment or suspension of the redemption of units DE
FBG US Dollar Bond ESG 21.11.2024 Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft (Schweiz) AG
Deferral of repayment or suspension of the redemption of units DE
Enpa Opportunity Fund 21.11.2024 Entrepreneur Partners AG
Deferral of repayment or suspension of the redemption of units DE
Alpinum Funds (CH) - Liquidity Fund USD 21.11.2024 LLB Swiss Investment AG
Deferral of repayment or suspension of the redemption of units DE
Swiss Life Index Funds (CH) 20.11.2024 Swiss Life Asset Management AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
Swissinvest Real Estate Fund 20.11.2024 Pensimo Fondsleitung AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
Swissinvest Real Estate Fund 20.11.2024 Pensimo Fondsleitung AG
Other optional notices DE
Swissinvest Real Estate Fund 20.11.2024 Pensimo Fondsleitung AG
Other optional notices DE
MWM SICAV 19.11.2024 Dreyfus Söhne & Cie AG, Banquiers
Dreyfus Söhne & Cie AG, Banquiers
Change of fund mgmt co / paying agent / representative / custodian EN
MWM SICAV 19.11.2024 Dreyfus Söhne & Cie AG, Banquiers
Dreyfus Söhne & Cie AG, Banquiers
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) EN