Zurich Invest AG, Zurich

Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 628 78 88
E-Mail: zurichinvest@zurich.ch
Web: https://www.zurichinvest.ch

At a glance

7 Funds
13 Unit/Shares
90 Documents
5 Legal Announcements

Fund Name  Fund Provider  Asset Class  Level 2  Level 3  Home Country  MyFunds
ZIF Immobilien Direkt Schweiz
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Real Estate Mixed properties CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 100 B
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Equities All countries Financial services CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 100 C
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Equities All countries Financial services CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 25 B
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Asset Allocation Subject to BVG (30% - 40% equities) CHF CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 25 C
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Asset Allocation Subject to BVG (30% - 40% equities) CHF CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 35 B
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Asset Allocation Equities (> 90% equities) CHF CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 35 C
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Asset Allocation Equities (> 90% equities) CHF CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 45 B
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Asset Allocation Subject to BVG (40% - 50% equities) CHF CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund 45 C
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Asset Allocation Subject to BVG (40% - 50% equities) CHF CHE
Zurich Invest II - Target Investment Fund Geldmarkt CHF B
Zurich Invest AG, Zurich Money Market All currencies Minimum rating AAA CHE
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