Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 58 426 30 30

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  • We are a global asset management firm built by investors, for investors.
    At GAM Investments, we value original thinking, swift decision making and a disciplined approach to investing. Our job is to put clients’ capital to work to help them achieve their aspirations and make sense of the markets through our insights and investment acumen.
    We manage CHF 132.2 billion in assets for institutions, financial advisers and private investors. Our investment professionals, with more than 14 years of industry experience on average, work with integrity, conviction and an entrepreneurial mind-set.
    For 35 years, we’ve been providing active investment solutions across asset classes. For third-party asset managers we’ve been leveraging our infrastructure to offer fund services for more than two decades. With over 900 people in 14 countries, we are a truly global firm in scale and resources, yet small enough to remain nimble and flexible to meet clients’ needs. Working with us means investing in honest foresight and human rigour and a fundamental belief in the potential of capital.