La Financière de l'Echiquier

Alexandre Sauterel
11 Avenue du General Dufour / 1204 Geneve
Phone: +41 79 576 55 98

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Provider News

  • USA: Tax increase as new source of funding

    13.04.2021 18:21 - La Financière de l'Echiquier: Experience shows that sometimes we can find unsuspected reserves when we have our backs to the wall. So it isn’t surprising that the US, faced as it is with a wall of debt, is currently rediscovering a source of funding that it had consistently reduced over recent years and even decades: corporation tax. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has just announced that the US will look to construct a broad global...

  • Macroscope LFDE: China shows its claws

    01.04.2021 17:14 - La Financière de l'Echiquier: Although the COVID-19 crisis does not appear to have been the disruptive force that was widely proclaimed, it has certainly resulted in a significant acceleration in prevailing trends. Monetary expansion, unprecedented fiscal support, a wake-up call on environmental challenges, the boom in e-commerce, the adoption of working from home, rising inequality: the list of economic and societal issues is long. This...