Bellevue Asset Management AG
Zürich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 267 67 00
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Legal Announcements
18.12.2024 11:15 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: The outcome of the US elections and the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the next US health secretary sent tremors across the healthcare sector. While tax...
07.10.2024 10:51 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: Bellevue Asset Management’s Medtech & Services Fund has successfully combined stability and diversification during the past 15 years to generate value in the dynamic...
14.03.2024 17:14 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: The renowned medical journal "The Lancet" recently published a study that shows the extent of the obesity pandemic: more than one billion people worldwide are already...
21.12.2023 09:11 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: Hardly any investors have taken notice of the upside potential that the healthcare sector now offers. History has shown, however, that novel drugs and medical...
19.12.2023 09:15 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: By Birgitte Olsen, Head Portfolio Management Equities Europe/Switzerland, Bellevue Asset Management It’s no secret that small and mid-cap stocks have fallen well...
11.08.2023 16:31 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: With the coronavirus pandemic behind us, the healthcare sector has fallen off many investors’ radar screens. “Unjustly so, in view of the quickening pace of medical...
22.02.2023 17:04 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: Numerous fundamental factors are indicating that the recent advance by healthcare stocks across the Asia-Pacific region and in emerging market countries is...
27.01.2023 14:13 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: Bellevue Asset Management casts a spotlight on five major trends in the healthcare sector for 2023 and outlines their potential from an investor’s perspective.
08.12.2022 15:38 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: The increasing number of market-ready new therapies for previously incurable and hard-to-treat autoimmune diseases is creating attractive investment opportunities.
10.12.2021 10:32 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: Oncology is the therapeutic area with the greatest weighting in BB Biotech's portfolio and it could deliver the most significant commercial breakthroughs in the not...
29.10.2015 09:01 - Bellevue Asset Management AG: Zu Monatsbeginn trafen wir uns in Kenia und Ruanda mit Vertretern privater und halbstaatlicher Unternehmen. Diese Treffen und unsere Feldforschung in Nairobi und...
17.05.2024 - Change of fund mgmt co/paying agent/representative/custodian
26.07.2023 - Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses)
14.07.2023 - Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses)