Fund market balance after three quarters of 2022.

26.10.2022 10:46

Basel, 26 October 2022 - While the Swiss fund market continued to suffer from negative performances in the 3rd quarter of 2022, the sustainability sector provided a ray of hope thanks to sustained net inflows. In terms of volume, the entire fund market has fallen back to the level of two years ago.

The negative performance on the stock markets in the 3rd quarter of 2022 left further traces on the Swiss fund market. The volume thus shrank in the first nine months of the current year from CHF 1,516,884 million (year-end 2021) to CHF 1,274,926 million, which corresponds to a decline of 15.9% or CHF 242 billion. The volume of the fund market thus fell back to the level of around two years ago. In the 3rd quarter, the decline amounted to CHF 59 million.

At -15.3% since the beginning of the year, most of the decline was due to performance losses. Meanwhile, net outflows from the funds in the current year amounted to CHF 9.5 billion. In the 3rd quarter, the figure was CHF 5.1 billion. Apart from money market funds (+CHF 6.5 billion), all fund categories were affected, whereby the highest outflows in the 3rd quarter again took place in equity funds (-CHF 6.3 billion) and bond funds (-CHF 3.3 billion).
