Legal Announcements

Current Selection: 637 legal announcements
Fund Name  Published on  Fund Provider  Representative in Switzerland  Type of Announcement  Announcement Affected Funds
Precious Capital Global Mining & Metals Fund 04.10.2024 LLB Swiss Investment AG
Deferral of repayment or suspension of the redemption of units DE
W&P Swiss Selection Funds 04.10.2024 Wyss & Partner Vermögensverwaltung und Anlageberatung AG
Change of investment policy / regulations / restrictions DE
W&P Swiss Selection Funds 04.10.2024 Wyss & Partner Vermögensverwaltung und Anlageberatung AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
PARSUMO - PARstrategie nachhaltig 25 ESG Fonds 04.10.2024 PARSUMO Capital AG
Dissolution of collective investment schemes or subfunds DE
Industry Leader Fund 03.10.2024 1741 Fund Solutions AG
Change of investment policy / regulations / restrictions DE
Industry Leader Fund 03.10.2024 1741 Fund Solutions AG
Creation, dissolution, splitting or merger of unit classes DE
Industry Leader Fund 03.10.2024 1741 Fund Solutions AG
Changes in fees / incidental costs DE
Swiss Rock (Lux) SICAV - Emerging Equity/Aktien Schwellenländer 03.10.2024 Swiss Rock Asset Management AG
Swiss Rock Asset Management AG
Change in the calculation of NAV / issue and redemption of units DE
Swiss Rock (Lux) Dachfonds SICAV 03.10.2024 Swiss Rock Asset Management AG
Swiss Rock Asset Management AG
Change in the calculation of NAV / issue and redemption of units DE
PICTET CH INSTITUTIONAL 03.10.2024 Pictet Asset Management S.A.
Pictet Asset Management S.A.
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) FR