Legal Announcements

Current Selection: 570 legal announcements
Fund Name  Published on  Fund Provider  Representative in Switzerland  Type of Announcement  Announcement Affected Funds
Credit Suisse Wealth Funds 1 21.08.2024 Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A.
Credit Suisse Funds AG
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds EN
CS Investment Funds 6 21.08.2024 Credit Suisse Fund Management S.A.
Credit Suisse Funds AG
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
Dissolution of collective investment schemes or subfunds EN
UBS (Irl) ETF plc 21.08.2024 UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd
UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG, Zurich
UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) EN
La Foncière 20.08.2024 Investissements Fonciers SA
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
Swiss Life Mortgage Funds 20.08.2024 Swiss Life Asset Management AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
AXA Swiss Institutional Fund 20.08.2024 AXA Investment Managers Schweiz AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
FAM Swiss Long Only Fund 20.08.2024 Fairway Asset Management AG
Creation, dissolution, splitting or merger of unit classes DE
FBG Euro Bond ESG 20.08.2024 Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft (Schweiz) AG
Deferral of repayment or suspension of the redemption of units DE
Pilatus Invest Income EUR 20.08.2024 Pilatus Partners
Deferral of repayment or suspension of the redemption of units DE
Prosperis Investment Funds 20.08.2024 Prosperis Sustainable Wealth Management AG
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) DE
Fund liquidated, merged or deleted from the system