AZ FUND 1: Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds as of 11.11.2024

Fund Name  Fund Provider  Asset Class  Level 2  Level 3  Home Country  MyFunds
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Fixed Income A-Institutional EUR Hedged ACC Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Alternative assets n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Fixed Income A-Institutional HKD (ACC) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Alternative assets n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Fixed Income A-Institutional USD (ACC) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Alternative assets n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Fixed Income B-AZ Fund (EUR Hedged - ACC) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Alternative assets n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Fixed Income B-AZ Fund (EUR non Hedged - ACC) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Alternative assets n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Opportunities A-AZ Fund (EUR Hedged Acc) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Absolute return n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Opportunities A-AZ Fund (EUR non Hedged Acc) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Absolute return n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Opportunities A-Institutional CNY (ACC) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Absolute return n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Opportunities A-Institutional EUR (ACC) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Absolute return n.a. LUX
AZ FUND 1 - AZ Bond - Renminbi Opportunities A-Institutional EUR Hedged (ACC) Capitalisation
Azimut Investments S.A. Other Funds Absolute return n.a. LUX
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The fund is an ETF / The fund is an ETSF
The fund is a Sponsored Fund