Reichmuth Alpin I

Reference Data

ISIN CH0238865908
Valor Number 23886590
Bloomberg Global ID
Fund Name Reichmuth Alpin I
Fund Provider Reichmuth & Co Investment Management AG Luzern 7, Switzerland
Phone: +41 41 249 49 99
Fund Provider Reichmuth & Co Investment Management AG
Representative in Switzerland
Distributor(s) Reichmuth & Co Privatbankiers
Luzern 7
Phone: +41 41 249 49 29
Asset Class Asset Allocation
EFC Category
Distribution Policy Distribution
Home Country Switzerland
Issuing Condition The fund does not charge any issuing commission and/or fees (units are issued at the NAV)
Redemption Condition The fund does not charge any redemption commission and/or fees (units are redeemed at the NAV)
Investment Strategy *** The Fund intends to pursue a long-term risk-adjusted growth in the value of the fund assets through investments in exchange-listed and not-exchange-listed, Swiss and foreign equity and debt securities and rights of all kinds, investment funds of all kinds, raw materials (especially precious metals), so-called “alternative investments”, futures contracts and derivatives. To achieve this, the fund management pursues what is known as an “absolute investment style”, that is, it intentionally does not compare the fund assets' growth in value against a relative “benchmark” (e.g. stock market index) but against an absolute “benchmark” (e.g. 3-5% absolute growth in value per year in a rolling 5-year average).

Fund Prices

Current Price * 1,458.40 CHF 30.06.2022
Previous Price * 1,520.55 CHF 31.05.2022
52 Week High * 1,634.72 CHF 31.08.2021
52 Week Low * 1,458.40 CHF 30.06.2022
NAV * 1,458.40 CHF 30.06.2022
Issue Price *
Redemption Price *
Closing Price *
Indicative Minimum Price
Fund Assets ***
Unit/Share Assets *** 11,000,000
Trading Information SIX


YTD Performance - -
1 month -4.09% 31.05.2022
3 months -6.90% 31.03.2022
6 months -10.50% 30.12.2021
1 year -9.97% 30.06.2021
2 years +4.85% 30.06.2020
3 years +5.05% 30.06.2019
5 years +4.72% 29.12.2017

Tax Data

Equity Participation Rate in % 36.178
Share of Total Fund Assets in %
Real Estate Rate in % 0.00

Top 10 Holdings ***

Reichmuth Matterhorn+ UI A 7.54%
ZKB Gold ETF AA CHF 4.75%
Reichmuth Pilatus P 4.64%
Scor Ils Fd Sa Sic 4.05%
Reichmuth Himalaja UI A 2.70%
Zert VONT 2021-open end on Reichmuth Asien Selektion Index (112470410) 2.61%
RIM Global Bioscience USD 2.18%
Muzinich EmergingMktsShrtDur HUSD Acc S 1.76%
Roche Holding AG 1.62%
B&I Asian Real Estate Securities Fund A 1.62%
Last data update 31.12.2024

Cost / Risk

TER 1.31%
TER date 31.12.2021
Performance Fee ***
Max. Management Fee *** 0.75%
Ongoing Charges ***
SRRI ***
SRRI date *** 30.06.2022

ESG Fund Ratings

Low Carbon Designation ***
ESG Rating Overall ***
ESG Rating Corporate ***
ESG Rating Sovereign ***
% AuM H&S Controversies ***


Countries ***

Stock Sectors ***

Bond Sectors ***

ESG Carbon Metrics

Avg Carbon Risk Score ***
Avg Carbon Risk Cat Avg ***
% AuM Covered Carbon ***
Avg Fossil Fuel Exposure ***
Fossil Fuel Cat Avg ***

ESG Strategy

Strategy Level 1 ***
Strategy Level 2 ***
Strategy Level 3 ***
Exclusions Level 1 ***
Exclusions Level 2 ***

* NAV / Issue Price exclusive commissions, for listed funds NAV or closing price
** Calculation of interim profit followed § 9 Satz 2 InvStG
*** Data source: Morningstar (Data is based on the rescaled long position of the holdings)