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Fund Name  Number
China Equities -R USD 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
China Equities -Z USD 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
China Equities I GBP 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
China Equities Z SGD 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
Chinese Local Currency Debt -I EUR 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
Chinese Local Currency Debt -I USD 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
Chinese Local Currency Debt -P EUR 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
Chinese Local Currency Debt -P RMB 10 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Manager report (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
Chinese Local Currency Debt -P USD 10 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Manager report (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds
Chinese Local Currency Debt -R EUR 9 Prospectus
Fund regulation
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Change of investment policy/regulations/restrictions
Merger of collective investment schemes or subfunds