Raiffeisen Futura Immo Fonds

Legal Fund Documents

Prospectus 08.03.2024 DE
08.03.2024 FR
08.03.2024 IT
Annual report 05.07.2024 DE
05.07.2024 FR
05.07.2024 IT
Semi-annual report 24.11.2023 DE
24.11.2023 FR
24.11.2023 IT
Key information document 18.12.2023 DE
18.12.2023 FR
18.12.2023 IT

Legal Announcements

Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses) 28.08.2024 NEW DE
28.08.2024 NEW FR
28.08.2024 NEW IT
Other optional notices 28.08.2024 NEW DE
05.07.2024 DE
28.08.2024 NEW FR
05.07.2024 FR
28.08.2024 NEW IT
05.07.2024 IT

Marketing Documents

Fact sheet (marketing) 31.07.2024 DE
31.07.2024 FR
31.07.2024 IT
Product presentation (marketing) 28.08.2024 NEW DE
28.08.2024 NEW FR
28.08.2024 NEW IT
Other documents (marketing) 05.07.2024 DE
05.07.2024 FR
05.07.2024 IT

ESG Documents

No document available for this fund