Current Selection: 18,463 funds

Fund Name  Number
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect BA CHF 9 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses)
Other optional notices
ESG Factsheet
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect BT CHF 9 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses)
Other optional notices
ESG Factsheet
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect DT CHF 9 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses)
Other optional notices
ESG Factsheet
Swisscanto (CH) Real Estate Fund Responsible Switzerland indirect GT CHF 9 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Other legal notices (concern also modifications of regulations and prospectuses)
Other optional notices
ESG Factsheet
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 15 Passiv FA CHF 6 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 15 Passiv QT CHF 6 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 15 Passiv VT CHF 6 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 25 Passiv DT 7 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Swiss Climate Scores
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 25 Passiv FA 7 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Swiss Climate Scores
Swisscanto (CH) Vorsorge Fonds 25 Passiv QT 7 Prospectus
Annual report
Semi-annual report
Fact sheet (marketing)
Other documents (marketing)
Swiss Climate Scores